Apothecary Camp

Horde Wrath of the Lich King Leveling Guide

Apothecary Camp

1. Ride West of Camp Winterhoof to Steel Gate [A]. Complete Find Sage Mistwalker by talking to Sage Mistwalker. Accept The Artifacts of Steel Gate and Rivenwood Captives. Complete The Artifacts of Steel Gate by going down into the mine and picking up 10 Steel Gate Artifacts. Turn it in and accept The Cleansing.

2. Go West to Apothecary Camp [B]. Complete Keeping Watch on the Interlopers by talking to Apothecary Malthus. Accept What's in That Brew?, And You Thought Murlocs Smelled Bad!, and Brains! Brains! Brains!

3. Ride SE to Whisper Gulch [C]. Complete What's in That Brew? by picking up 5 Dwarven Kegs. While doing this quest, complete Brains! Brains! Brains! by killing 12 Deranged Explorers and using your Grick's Bonesaw to remove their brains.

4. Go NW down the cliff to Chillmere Coast [D]. Complete And You Thought Murlocs Smelled Bad! by killing any 15 of the monsters here. Accept It's a Scourge Device from Scourge Device which drops randomly here.

5. Go West to Old Icefin [E] and accept Trident of the Son.

6. Ride back up to Apothecary Camp [B] and turn in 2 quests. Accept Bring Down Those Shields.

7. Go back down the cliff to Chillmere Coast [D]. Complete Bring Down Those Shields by using your Scourging Crystal Controller on 3 Scourging Crystals and destroying them.

8. Go South to Rotgill [F] who patrols the area. Complete Trident of the Son by looting Rotgill's Trident.

9. Return to Old Icefin [E] and turn in the quest.

11. Ride NE to Rivenwood [G]. Complete Rivenwood Captives by freeing 7 Winterhoof Longrunners from the Riven Widow Cocoons.

12. Continue NE to Gjalerbron [H]. Complete Of Keys and Cages by looting Cage Keys off Gjalebrons and using them to free 10 Prisoners. While doing this quest, complete Dealing with Gjalerbron by killing 15 Warriors, 8 Rune-Casters, and 8 Sleep-Watchers. Accept Gjalerbron Attack Plans from Gjalerbron Attack Plans which drops randomly off Gjalerbrons.

13. Ride South to Steel Gate [A] and turn in 1 quest.

14. Ride to Apothecary Camp [B] and turn in 1 quest.

15. Take the flight point to Camp Winterhoof [I]. Turn in 3 quests and accept Necro Overlord Mezhen, The Walking Dead, Sleeping Giants, and The Frost Wyrm and its Master which is a soloable group quest.

15. Ride east up the path in the mountains to Frostblade Shrine [J]. Complete The Cleansing by killing Your Inner Turmoil.

16. Jump off the mountain and ride to Steel Gate [A]. Turn in the quest and accept In Worg's Clothing.

17. Go to Ulfang [K] in the far north cave. Complete In Worg's Clothing by using your Worg Disguise and talking to Ulfang. Accept Brother Betrayers.

18. Go SE into Waking Halls [H] beneath Gjalerbron. Complete Sleeping Giants by looting Awakening Rods from Necrolords and using them to kill 5 Dormant Vrykul. While doing this quest and the next 2 quests, complete The Walking Dead by killing 4 Fearsome Horrors, 10 Deathless Watchers, and 2 Putrid Wights.

19. Go to the Rear Left Platform [L]. Complete The Frost Wyrm and its Master by killing Wyrmcaller Vile, looting Wyrmcaller's Horn, and using it to call down and kill Glacion.

20. Go to the Rear Right Platform [M]. Complete Necro Overlord Mezhen by killing him. Accept The Slumbering King from Mezhen's Writings.

21. Go north and into Winter's Terrace [N]. Complete The Slumbering King by killing Queen Angerboda.

22. Hearth to Camp Winterhoof [I] and turn in 5 quests.

23. Take the flight point to Apothecary Camp [B].

24. Complete Brother Betrayers by killing Bjomolf [O] and Varg [P] who patrol these areas.

25. Return to Ulfang [K] and use your Worg Disguise to turn in the quest. Accept Eyes of the Eagle.

26. Go to the Base of a Waterfall [Q]. Complete Eyes of the Eagle by looting Eyes of the Eagle off of Talonshrike.

27. Return to Ulfang [K] and use your Worg Disguise to turn in the quest. Accept Alpha Worg.

28. Complete Alpha Worg by killing Garwal [R] who patrols eastern Rivenwood.

29. Ride to Steel Gate [A] and turn in 1 quest. Take a flight point to New Agamand. Accept the level 71+ quest Give it a Name. Complete Give it a Name by talking to Tobias Sarkhoff. Accept To Venomspite!

You should currently have 2 quests: Travel to Moa'ki Harbor and To Venomspite!


That's it for Howling Fjord! Looking for a premium WoW Lich King leveling guide? Buy Joana's Horde Guide or Zygor's Alliance Guide to reach level 80 as fast as possible.

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